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    <h1>IRC log for #evergreen, 2022-03-04</h1>

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        <tr class="head">
<tr id="id_l2" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502485"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502485">05:37</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">JBoyer joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l3" class="new nick nick_pinesol">
	<td class="time" id="i_502486"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502486">06:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td>
	<td class="msg ">News from qatests: Testing Success &lt;<a href="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live" title="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live">http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live</a>&gt;</td>

<tr id="id_l4" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502487"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502487">07:41</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">collum joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l5" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502488"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502488">07:50</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mantis joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l6" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502489"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502489">08:33</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mmorgan joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l7" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502490"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502490">09:33</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l8" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502491"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502491">09:37</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mantis1 joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l9" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502492"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502492">09:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">jvwoolf joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l10" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502493"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502493">09:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mantis joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l11" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502494"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502494">09:51</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mmorgan1 joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l12" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502495"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502495">09:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">jvwoolf1 joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l13" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502496"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502496">09:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">tsadok_ joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l14" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502497"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502497">10:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">stephengwills joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l15" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502498"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502498">10:01</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">stephengwills left #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l16" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502499"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502499">10:14</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Why is working with MARC so difficult? Now, I'm trying to dump some records from the database to a binary MARC file in UTF-8, and of course, its mangling the &quot;fancy&quot; characters. You'd think I'd have this down pat by now.</td>

<tr id="id_l17" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502500"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502500">10:16</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">No, if I can just keep my fat palms off of the touchpad.... (I keep &quot;clicking&quot; inadvertently in another window.)</td>

<tr id="id_l18" class="new nick nick_csharp_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502501"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502501">10:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #009034" class="nick">* csharp_</td>
	<td class="msg act ">removes offensive trolling from the IRC logs</td>

<tr id="id_l19" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502502"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502502">10:18</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">OK, when pulling records from the DB, use (BinaryEncoding =&gt; 'utf8') on the use MARC::File::XML line, and if using IO::File to write the output do $fh-&gt;binmode(':utf8');</td>

<tr id="id_l20" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502503"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502503">10:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">csharp_: I'm half curious to see the trolling because I missed it, but I hope you're not referring to my monologues. :)</td>

<tr id="id_l21" class="new nick nick_csharp_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502504"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502504">10:21</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp_</td>
	<td class="msg ">oh, I deleted those too :-)</td>

<tr id="id_l22" class="cont nick nick_csharp_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502505"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502505">10:21</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp_</td>
	<td class="msg ">I KEED I KEED</td>

<tr id="id_l23" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502506"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502506">10:21</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">:P</td>

<tr id="id_l24" class="new nick nick_csharp_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502507"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502507">10:21</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp_</td>
	<td class="msg ">it's not worth repeating</td>

<tr id="id_l25" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502508"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502508">10:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Yeah, np. I'm only &quot;half&quot; curious, 'cause trolls are usually boring.</td>

<tr id="id_l26" class="new nick nick_csharp_ dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502509"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502509">10:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp_</td>
	<td class="msg ">yep</td>

<tr id="id_l27" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502510"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502510">10:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #032c28" class="nick">* Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg act ">ponders fixing the 856 by moving subfield 3 in front of the others instead of being at the end.</td>

<tr id="id_l28" class="new nick nick_mantis dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502511"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502511">11:16</a></td>
	<td style="color: #002e14" class="nick">mantis</td>
	<td class="msg ">Weird thing.  I noticed when using Angular, I get a weird rollover effect when trying to place an Item Hold that prevents me from clicking the option in Chrome.  But in Firefox it's fine.  Has anyone else noticed this?</td>

<tr id="id_l29" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502512"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502512">11:26</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">Hrm.. &quot;Not an array reference...&quot;</td>

<tr id="id_l30" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502513"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502513">11:37</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">mantis: I haven't seen that, but I hardly ever use the staff client, only when testing something specific.</td>

<tr id="id_l31" class="new nick nick_mmorgan1 dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502514"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502514">11:48</a></td>
	<td style="color: #a06e00" class="nick">mmorgan1</td>
	<td class="msg ">mantis: I'm not seeing the same thing. Are you looking at the full record in the staff catalog?</td>

<tr id="id_l32" class="new nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_502515"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502515">11:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">mantis: I'm pretty sure it's a Chrome bug. We just had a report of exactly that today.</td>

<tr id="id_l33" class="cont nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_502516"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502516">11:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">Chrome 99 on Windows exhibits the problem. Chrome 98 on macOS does not.</td>

<tr id="id_l34" class="cont nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_502517"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502517">11:54</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">I haven't found a Chrome bug/issue for it yet.</td>

<tr id="id_l35" class="cont nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_502518"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502518">11:55</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">one quick workaround for placing an item/copy level hold from that point is to select the &quot;view&quot; option to bring the copy up in Item Status, and then use the &quot;Request&quot; feature to place the copy hold.</td>

<tr id="id_l36" class="cont nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_502519"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502519">11:56</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">(not a suitable workaround in all scenarios, but useful in many)</td>

<tr id="id_l37" class="cont nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_502520"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502520">12:03</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">none of the current Chrome release channels on macOS include Chrome 99.x. I suspect it's currently on a phased release as the main channel.</td>

<tr id="id_l38" class="cont nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_502521"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502521">12:04</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">I'm going to test more on Windows, to see if it's OS specific or just Chrome 99.</td>

<tr id="id_l39" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502522"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502522">12:14</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">jihpringle joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l40" class="new nick nick_jeff">
	<td class="time" id="i_502523"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502523">12:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">hah! vendor stated that they had a document that went into detail about how their product uses SIP2. We asked for a copy, they sent us the 2006 3M SIP 2.0 protocol specification document.</td>

<tr id="id_l41" class="new nick nick_mantis dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502524"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502524">12:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #002e14" class="nick">mantis</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff++</td>

<tr id="id_l42" class="new nick nick_JBoyer">
	<td class="time" id="i_502525"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502525">12:19</a></td>
	<td style="color: #357843" class="nick">JBoyer</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff, hah, reminds me of those self-certifying sip implementations. &quot;What parts of the standard do you support?&quot; &quot;Oh, all of them. (As far as you or we know.)&quot;</td>

<tr id="id_l43" class="new nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502526"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502526">12:29</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">When talking (or joking) about idiosyncrasies of the SIP2 protocol, I can never decide if I want to go the Emo Philips route or the Monty Python route.</td>

<tr id="id_l44" class="cont nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502527"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502527">12:31</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">@decide I said, &quot;Die, heretic!&quot; And I pushed him over. or What? I, I don't know that. ahh!</td>

<tr id="id_l45" class="new nick nick_pinesol">
	<td class="time" id="i_502528"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502528">12:31</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff: go with What? I, I don't know that. ahh!</td>

<tr id="id_l46" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502529"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502529">12:34</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">collum joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l47" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502530"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502530">12:40</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">collum joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l48" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502531"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502531">12:41</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff: That sounds about right.</td>

<tr id="id_l49" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502532"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502532">12:49</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff++ # Mixed references.</td>

<tr id="id_l50" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502533"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502533">13:10</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">jvwoolf joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l51" class="cont special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502534"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502534">14:02</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">jihpringle joined #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l52" class="new nick nick_mmorgan">
	<td class="time" id="i_502535"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502535">14:41</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg ">mantis: jeff: Just got our first report of the tooltip obscuring the Item hold and Call Number Hold links.</td>

<tr id="id_l53" class="cont nick nick_mmorgan">
	<td class="time" id="i_502536"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502536">14:43</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg ">Just upgraded my Chrome from 98.0.4758.102 (where I didn't see the issue) to 99.0.4844.51  and am now seeing it.</td>

<tr id="id_l54" class="new nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502537"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502537">14:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">i have one report that <a href="https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/components/tooltip/examples" title="https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/components/tooltip/examples">https://ng-bootstrap.github.io​/#/components/tooltip/examples</a> does NOT exhibit the issue.</td>

<tr id="id_l55" class="new nick nick_jihpringle">
	<td class="time" id="i_502538"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502538">14:44</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b79" class="nick">jihpringle</td>
	<td class="msg ">mmorgan: we just had that reported this morning</td>

<tr id="id_l56" class="new nick nick_mmorgan dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502539"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502539">14:52</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg ">Oddly, that seems to be the only tooltip that does that. All the others appear appropriately at the top of the row.</td>

<tr id="id_l57" class="new nick nick_jihpringle">
	<td class="time" id="i_502540"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502540">14:53</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b79" class="nick">jihpringle</td>
	<td class="msg ">I see that too, all the other tooltips are fine</td>

<tr id="id_l58" class="new nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502541"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502541">14:57</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">I can reproduce on Chrome 99 on Windows, I cannot reproduce in Chrome 100 on Windows. Whatever it was, it appears to have been a Chrome bug. I don't know how easily we can work around it between now and when the fixed version of Chrome rolls out.</td>

<tr id="id_l59" class="cont nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502542"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502542">14:57</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">unable to reproduce on current Chrome Beta for Windows, Version 100.0.4896.20 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)</td>

<tr id="id_l60" class="cont nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502543"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502543">14:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">no mention of the issue in the ng-bootstrap github repo (yet!)</td>

<tr id="id_l61" class="new nick nick_jihpringle">
	<td class="time" id="i_502544"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502544">14:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b79" class="nick">jihpringle</td>
	<td class="msg ">the workaround I'm giving my library is Firefox :)</td>

<tr id="id_l62" class="new nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502545"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502545">14:58</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">haven't found the issue in the chrome bug tracker (yet!)</td>

<tr id="id_l63" class="new nick nick_JBoyer">
	<td class="time" id="i_502546"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502546">15:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #357843" class="nick">JBoyer</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff++</td>

<tr id="id_l64" class="new nick nick_mmorgan dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502547"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502547">15:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg ">jihpringle: We're on 3.7.2, so we have the Opac View link to the old catalog, and users can place a Copy hold there.</td>

<tr id="id_l65" class="cont nick nick_mmorgan dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502548"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502548">15:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg ">bug 1910452</td>

<tr id="id_l66" class="new nick nick_pinesol">
	<td class="time" id="i_502549"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502549">15:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td>
	<td class="msg ">Launchpad bug 1910452 in Evergreen 3.6 &quot;Angular Catalog: Search links and Added Content&quot; [Undecided,Fix released] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1910452" title="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1910452">https://launchpad.net/bugs/1910452</a></td>

<tr id="id_l67" class="new nick nick_jihpringle dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502550"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502550">15:07</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b79" class="nick">jihpringle</td>
	<td class="msg ">mmorgan: we're on 3.7.0 so the links in Patron View don't work for us and placing holds via the traditional catalogue always uses the staff account contact details</td>

<tr id="id_l68" class="cont nick nick_jihpringle dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502551"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502551">15:09</a></td>
	<td style="color: #006b79" class="nick">jihpringle</td>
	<td class="msg ">I'm really looking forward to our next upgrade when we get all the awesome catalogue fixes that came in 3.7.2</td>

<tr id="id_l69" class="new nick nick_mmorgan">
	<td class="time" id="i_502552"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502552">15:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg ">jihpringle: Oh right! We've also applied bug 1939426, which grabs the user prefs. Haven't tested it rigorously enough to sign off yet, though.</td>

<tr id="id_l70" class="new nick nick_pinesol dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502553"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502553">15:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td>
	<td class="msg ">Launchpad bug 1939426 in Evergreen &quot;Placing holds as staff in traditional catalog in 3.7 doesn't always load user settings&quot; [Undecided,Confirmed] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1939426" title="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1939426">https://launchpad.net/bugs/1939426</a></td>

<tr id="id_l71" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502554"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502554">15:15</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">mmorgan: Are you using it in production?</td>

<tr id="id_l72" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona">
	<td class="time" id="i_502555"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502555">15:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td>
	<td class="msg ">If you've been using a patch in production for a while and no one has complained, that's pretty thorough testing. :)</td>

<tr id="id_l73" class="new nick nick_mmorgan dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502556"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502556">15:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg ">Dyrcona: We are, but we are still having some issues with the screen.</td>

<tr id="id_l74" class="cont nick nick_mmorgan dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502557"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502557">15:18</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg ">Agreed, putting in production = thorough testing :)</td>

<tr id="id_l75" class="new nick nick_mmorgan">
	<td class="time" id="i_502558"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502558">15:21</a></td>
	<td style="color: #5f6000" class="nick">* mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg act ">will take another look and try and add a signoff this afternoon.</td>

<tr id="id_l76" class="new nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502559"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502559">16:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">in Chrome 99, offsetWidth and offsetHeight on the eg-grid-body-cell element returns 0.</td>

<tr id="id_l77" class="cont nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502560"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502560">16:13</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">(but only in that one column -- &quot;Holdable?&quot;)</td>

<tr id="id_l78" class="cont nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502561"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502561">16:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">looks like placing &lt;div&gt;hello&lt;//div&gt; in an &lt;ev-grid-body-cell&gt; causes the eg-grid-body-cell to have offsetHeight 0</td>

<tr id="id_l79" class="cont nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502562"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502562">16:46</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">but only on Chrome 99</td>

<tr id="id_l80" class="cont nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502563"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502563">16:47</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">er, make that &lt;div&gt;hello&lt;/div&gt; -- not the typo above</td>

<tr id="id_l81" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_502564"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502564">17:06</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">jvwoolf left #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l82" class="new nick nick_mmorgan dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502565"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502565">17:09</a></td>
	<td style="color: #00b65f" class="nick">mmorgan</td>
	<td class="msg ">jeff++ # looking</td>

<tr id="id_l83" class="new special">
	<td class="time" id="i_502566"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502566">17:09</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">mmorgan left #evergreen</td>

<tr id="id_l84" class="new nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502567"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502567">17:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">confirmed Version 99.0.4844.51 (Official Build) (arm64)</td>

<tr id="id_l85" class="cont nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502568"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502568">17:17</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">(as affected)</td>

<tr id="id_l86" class="cont nick nick_jeff dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502569"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502569">17:18</a></td>
	<td style="color: #001009" class="nick">jeff</td>
	<td class="msg ">on macOS</td>

<tr id="id_l87" class="new nick nick_pinesol">
	<td class="time" id="i_502570"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502570">18:00</a></td>
	<td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td>
	<td class="msg ">News from qatests: Failed Installing Angular web client &lt;<a href="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//archive/2022-03/2022-03-04_16:00:02/test.29.html" title="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//archive/2022-03/2022-03-04_16:00:02/test.29.html">http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live//arch​ive/2022-03/2022-03-04_16:00:02/test.29.html</a>&gt;</td>

<tr id="id_l88" class="new special dark">
	<td class="time" id="i_502571"><a href="/evergreen/2022-03-04#i_502571">22:22</a></td>
	<td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td>
	<td class="msg ">JBoyer joined #evergreen</td>


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