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burn it all down</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l15" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472386"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472386">11:14</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">Well, it still takes a while to churn through 14,286 events. But collecting them into the table was really fast. :)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l16" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472388"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472388">11:48</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">berick: new fix applied to PINES production - so far so good, drone-wise - I'll let you know if we hear complaints</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l17" class="new nick nick_berick dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472389"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472389">11:53</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: cool</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l18" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_472390"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472390">12:03</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jihpringle joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l19" class="new nick nick_jeffdavis dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472391"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472391">13:01</a></td> <td style="color: #c40092" class="nick">jeffdavis</td> <td class="msg ">csharp++ # sometimes you gotta test in production</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l20" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472392"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472392">13:06</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">jeffdavis: yep, it's the only way to see if something that only emerges in production actually works!</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l21" class="new nick nick_jeffdavis dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472393"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472393">13:36</a></td> <td style="color: #c40092" class="nick">jeffdavis</td> <td class="msg ">updated bug 1896285 - I think the 3.5 version is OK to go in rel_3_5</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l22" class="new nick nick_pinesol"> <td class="time" id="i_472394"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472394">13:36</a></td> <td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td> <td class="msg ">Launchpad bug 1896285 in Evergreen 3.5 "Use batch methods for multi-row grid actions" [Medium,Confirmed] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1896285" title="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1896285">https://launchpad.net/bugs/1896285</a></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l23" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472395"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472395">13:46</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">jeffdavis: +1</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l24" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_472396"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472396">14:17</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">alynn26 joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l25" class="cont special"> <td class="time" id="i_472397"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472397">14:33</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">sandbergja joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l26" class="new nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472399"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472399">14:53</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">jeffdavis: I rolled that patch into our production 3.5 system last night. It's been more stable today</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l27" class="cont nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472400"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472400">14:58</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: did you put opensrf_bug 1912834 on production as well?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l28" class="new special"> <td class="time" id="i_472401"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472401">14:59</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mantis1 left #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l29" class="cont special"> <td class="time" id="i_472402"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472402">15:06</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">pinesol` joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l30" class="cont special"> <td class="time" id="i_472406"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472406">15:11</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">sandbergja joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l31" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472407"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472407">15:20</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">wow - something appears very broken here - something sent apparently hundreds of null ids to a staff search and it went for 6.5 minutes with the accompanying NOT CONNECTED errors</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l32" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472408"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472408">15:21</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">this is the activity.log call: <a href="https://pastebin.com/VnNexDjf" title="https://pastebin.com/VnNexDjf">https://pastebin.com/VnNexDjf</a></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l33" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472409"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472409">15:23</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">Bmagic: yes, we've applied that too</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l34" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona"> <td class="time" id="i_472410"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472410">15:24</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">@blame tsbere</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l35" class="new nick nick_pinesol dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472411"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472411">15:24</a></td> <td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: tsbere stole bshum's tux doll!</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l36" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472412"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472412">15:24</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">(well, that's the "new fix" I was telling berick about earlier)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l37" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472413"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472413">15:24</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">@seen tsbere</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l38" class="new nick nick_pinesol dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472414"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472414">15:24</a></td> <td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: tsbere was last seen in #evergreen 3 years, 36 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour, 3 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: <tsbere> er, not anoning</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l39" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_472415"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472415">15:25</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: that api is from the staff catalog. should be a quick fix</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l40" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472416"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472416">15:25</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">It's nothing major, just you have to restart open-ils.circ after changing the circ.opac_renewal.use_original_circ_lib global flag.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l41" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472417"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472417">15:26</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">According to git blame, tsbere added the code that caches the setting.</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l42" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472418"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472418">15:26</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: UNBELIEVEABLE</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l43" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472419"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472419">15:26</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">berick: awesome</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l44" class="new nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472420"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472420">15:28</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">The code has been there since 2011, so you'd think I would have known....</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l45" class="cont nick nick_Dyrcona dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472421"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472421">15:28</a></td> <td style="color: #7d008d" class="nick">Dyrcona</td> <td class="msg ">@blame Dyrcona</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l46" class="new nick nick_pinesol"> <td class="time" id="i_472422"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472422">15:28</a></td> <td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td> <td class="msg ">Dyrcona: Dyrcona is probably integrated with systemd</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l47" class="new nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472423"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472423">15:28</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: did you determine the reason for the cataloging (bucket?) issue?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l48" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472424"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472424">15:31</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">Bmagic: berick did the work, I just applied it this morning</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l49" class="new nick nick_berick dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472425"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472425">15:31</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">the issue was the patch needed fixing</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l50" class="new nick nick_Bmagic"> <td class="time" id="i_472426"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472426">15:31</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">right, so, are you saying the bucket issue was related?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l51" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472427"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472427">15:31</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">the bucket issue? sorry I may not be following</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l52" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472428"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472428">15:32</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">what the patch does is throttle concurrent OpenSRF requests so as not to overwhelm services like open-ils.actor</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l53" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472429"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472429">15:33</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">so a cataloger adding 50+ items to a bucket was creating 50+ actor drones and if you multiply that by $pines_catalogers, it gets hairy real fast</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l54" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_472430"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472430">15:34</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: you said something about buckets yesterday when you were finding misc. bugs from the patch</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l55" class="cont nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_472431"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472431">15:34</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">(though none of the bugs were really bucket related)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l56" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472432"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472432">15:37</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">berick: ah - thanks</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l57" class="new nick nick_Bmagic"> <td class="time" id="i_472433"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472433">15:37</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">right on - well, I'm going to merge that opensrf branch into production this evening as well. Having bug 1896285 - we noticed an improvement, but today, we still saw a couple of machines get out of control and die</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l58" class="new nick nick_pinesol dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472434"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472434">15:37</a></td> <td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td> <td class="msg ">Launchpad bug 1896285 in Evergreen 3.5 "Use batch methods for multi-row grid actions" [Medium,Confirmed] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1896285" title="https://launchpad.net/bugs/1896285">https://launchpad.net/bugs/1896285</a></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l59" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472435"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472435">15:37</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">Bmagic: yeah, I think the bucket thing was just shrinking resources affecting all kinds of things</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l60" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472436"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472436">15:37</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">the complaints were varied but all dealt with batch actions</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l61" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472437"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472437">15:37</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">sandbergja joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l62" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472438"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472438">15:38</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">and today has been relatively quiet after applying the latest version of the fix</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l63" class="new nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472439"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472439">15:38</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">throttling the number of requests to 5 at a time should help ALOT</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l64" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472440"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472440">15:38</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">yes, system-side has been back to what I think of as "normal"</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l65" class="new nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472441"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472441">15:38</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">that's encouraging, patching now...</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l66" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_472442"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472442">15:39</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: mind checking something? that null-blast issue, do you see vandelay api calls around the same time (just prior)?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l67" class="new nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472443"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472443">15:39</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">Thinking back - I noticed a huge impact on the servers moving from XUL to the web based client</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l68" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_472444"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472444">15:39</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">just found that vandelay also uses that api, and may be more likely the culprit</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l69" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472445"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472445">15:40</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">berick: looking now</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l70" class="new nick nick_Bmagic"> <td class="time" id="i_472446"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472446">15:40</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">at that time, we upped the hardware on all of the bricks, fleet-wide, to cope with the onslaught of requests that the web client seemed to be doing. It seems this "shot-gun" blast from the Evergreen web client is not new</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l71" class="new nick nick_berick dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472447"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472447">15:40</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">Bmagic: IIRC, the XUL client natively limited the number of XHR requests to something like 8 at a time, so it always had a baked in limit</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l72" class="new nick nick_Bmagic"> <td class="time" id="i_472448"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472448">15:41</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">berick: I was wondering</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l73" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472449"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472449">15:44</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">berick: this looks like the culprit: open-ils.search open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query.staff {"limit":1001,"offset":0}, "(keyword:the prophets) site(PINES)</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l74" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_472450"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472450">15:45</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: huh, was trying stuff like that couldn't make it happen. looks like also protected in the code, but i'm clearly missing something..</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l75" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472451"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472451">15:45</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">I'll try that call from srfsh to see what happens</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l76" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472452"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472452">15:45</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">or maybe it won't act the same from srfsh?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l77" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472453"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472453">15:46</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">that came back super fast, so I guess not</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l78" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_472454"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472454">15:49</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">yeah, i can't get the catalog to send nulls, strange</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l79" class="new nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472455"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472455">15:50</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">open-ils.acq open-ils.acq.purchase_order.retrieve "<REDACTED>",, 7030, {"flesh_price_sum</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l80" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472456"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472456">15:50</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">mary":true,"flesh_provider":true,"flesh_lineitem_count":true}</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l81" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472457"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472457">15:50</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">that's right before as well</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l82" class="cont nick nick_csharp dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472458"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472458">15:51</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">well, 2 seconds before</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l83" class="new nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_472459"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472459">15:52</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: does this return 0? select count(*) from vandelay.bib_match where eg_record is null;</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l84" class="cont nick nick_berick"> <td class="time" id="i_472460"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472460">15:53</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">0 is exptected, but just to rule that out</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l85" class="new nick nick_Bmagic dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472461"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472461">15:53</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">zero for me</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l86" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472462"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472462">15:53</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">0 here too</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l87" class="new nick nick_berick dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472463"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472463">15:53</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">k</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l88" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472464"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472464">15:54</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">I can confirm that the record IDs before all the nulls all lead to records with "the prophet" somewhere in the record</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l89" class="new nick nick_berick dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472465"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472465">15:54</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: ok, good, that settles that</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l90" class="cont nick nick_berick dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472466"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472466">15:56</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: any local diffs to origin/master for Open-ILS/src/eg2/src/app/share/catalog/catalog.service.ts or search-context.ts ?</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l91" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472467"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472467">15:56</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">lemme look</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l92" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472468"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472468">15:56</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">2021-01-26 14:59:41 brick01-head gateway: [ACT:60271:osrf-websocket-stdio.c:559:1611691160602718] [] [] open-ils.search open-ils.search.biblio.record.catalog_summary.staff 191, [null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null]</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l93" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472469"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472469">15:56</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">jonadab joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l94" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472470"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472470">15:56</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">another example of fewer</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l95" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472471"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472471">15:56</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">it's only happened seven times today</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l96" class="new nick nick_berick dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472472"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472472">15:57</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">interesting</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l97" class="cont nick nick_berick dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472473"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472473">15:58</a></td> <td style="color: #3b0069" class="nick">berick</td> <td class="msg ">or bib-record.service.ts</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l98" class="new nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472474"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472474">15:59</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">ah...</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l99" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472475"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472475">15:59</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">I think I found the issue</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l100" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472476"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472476">16:00</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">to allow searching in the (goddamned) search box on the staff page, I changed "let query = ts.query[idx];" to "let query = decodeURIComponent(ts.query[idx]);" around line 510 or so</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l101" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472477"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472477">16:01</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">I have a feeling that's causing an unexpected side effect</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l102" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472478"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472478">16:01</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">we may just have to remove that box until we can safely redirect to the eg2 version</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l103" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472479"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472479">16:02</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">that's in Open-ILS/src/eg2/src/app/share/catalog/search-context.ts btw</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l104" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472480"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472480">16:05</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">apparently we can't win on the OpenSRF throttling either - getting complaints of things not loading in acq - I'll try to get more specifics</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l105" class="cont nick nick_csharp"> <td class="time" id="i_472481"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472481">16:06</a></td> <td style="color: #4a1700" class="nick">csharp</td> <td class="msg ">argh! it was such a smooth upgrade server-side - these piddly issues are going to be the death of me</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l106" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472482"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472482">16:07</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">sandbergja joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l107" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472483"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472483">16:56</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">sandbergja joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l108" class="new nick nick_Bmagic"> <td class="time" id="i_472484"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472484">17:00</a></td> <td style="color: #9d6200" class="nick">Bmagic</td> <td class="msg ">csharp: JS cache client-side might account for the patch not "taking hold" on some workstations</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l109" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472485"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472485">17:26</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">mmorgan left #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l110" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472486"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472486">17:49</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">Cocopuff2018 joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l111" class="new nick nick_pinesol"> <td class="time" id="i_472487"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472487">18:00</a></td> <td style="color: #4e00a3" class="nick">pinesol</td> <td class="msg ">News from qatests: Testing Success <<a href="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live" title="http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live">http://testing.evergreen-ils.org/~live</a>></td> </tr> <tr id="id_l112" class="new special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472489"><a href="/evergreen/2021-01-26#i_472489">18:02</a></td> <td style="color: #ad7900" class="nick"></td> <td class="msg ">book` joined #evergreen</td> </tr> <tr id="id_l113" class="cont special dark"> <td class="time" id="i_472490"><a 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