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IRC log for #evergreen, 2018-11-05

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Time Nick Message
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07:48 * csharp arrives first and claims the room for Spain
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09:11 gmcharlt and... the Hack-a-way has started
09:11 gmcharlt https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.ph​p?id=hack-a-way:hack-a-way-2018-agenda
09:11 berick let the bugles sound
09:12 gmcharlt this year we're not running a constant livestream, but will be using YouTube for specific scheduled presentations and discussions
09:12 gmcharlt with at least one this afternoon wherein berick and I will talk about Angular
09:12 gmcharlt also, given that a lot of people will be travelling Wednesday afternoon, I suggest we move the dev meeting to Tuesday at 2 p.m. EST
09:13 gmcharlt folks not at hack-a-way, please feel free to ping here if you've got a question
09:16 Dyrcona https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.ph​p?id=hack-a-way:hack-a-way-2018-agenda
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09:21 Dyrcona pinesol: help voice
09:21 pinesol Dyrcona: (voice [<channel>] [<nick> ...]) -- If you have the #channel,voice capability, this will voice all the <nick>s you provide. If you don't provide any <nick>s, this will voice you. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
09:21 abneiman hi jgoodson
09:23 bshum @sortinghat
09:23 pinesol Hmm... bshum... Let me see now... GRYFFINDOR!
09:23 bshum I guess I'll be a good guy today :)
09:27 kmlussier @sortinghat
09:27 pinesol Hmm... kmlussier... Let me see now... GRYFFINDOR!
09:27 kmlussier Darn! I was hoping to be bshum's nemesis today.
09:27 gmcharlt @sortinghat
09:27 pinesol Hmm... gmcharlt... Let me see now... HUFFLEPUFF!
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09:31 gmcharlt also, as I emailed, we're proposing to move the dev meeting to tomorrow, 11/6, at 2 p.m. EST https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/do​ku.php?id=dev:meetings:2018-11-06
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10:09 gmcharlt noting a build issue for eg2 - appears to be consequence of https://github.com/salemdar/ngx-cookie/issues/78
10:09 gmcharlt the suggested workaround of "npm i @nguniversal/express-engine -D" worked for me
10:15 miker that was my fix on friday, also
10:17 collum joined #evergreen
10:18 gsams @sortinghat
10:18 pinesol Hmm... gsams... Let me see now... HUFFLEPUFF!
10:29 pinesol [opensrf|Chris Sharp] Add support for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver to Makefile.install - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=f234372>
10:29 pinesol [opensrf|Ben Shum] Update README to include Bionic steps - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=884e00c>
10:38 eby likely obvious answer but group penalties should clear themselves correct? we have some patron_exceeds_fines that stick around after fine payment and making sure before digging into whether config/cron issues
10:40 jeff non-obvious answer: some system penalties maintain themselves but only when something causes them to be recalculated. paying a bill should trigger that, if memory serves.
10:42 jeff eby: here's some old notes of mine from digging into something similar/related a few years ago. It may need some updating/review, but might get you started: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g_WNsz​A3r6o_znCTmBh9Ax3eO2D_j_SzFghAGnpFvp0/edit
10:42 eby thanks.
10:43 jeff in particular, ignore_proximity was added since those notes were made.
10:44 eby your notes give me some of the functions to look over to get ideas of the workflow so i'll do some digging
10:44 * Bmagic is with you all in spirit and hopes you play some resistance for him
10:45 pinesol [opensrf|Bill Erickson] LP#1776510 JS libs handle transport errors - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=705599f>
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10:51 pinesol [opensrf|Jason Stephenson] Reorder Ejabberd configuration steps for Ubuntu 18.04. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=5c803ae>
11:06 ejk The more I dig into my PHP to OpenSRF gateway project the more I realize how much I don't know. Looks like I need to learn about websockets. Web communication other than http, who knew? =)
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11:08 jeff ejk: you probably don't need to worry about websockets for php, but using the OpenSRF HTTP translator instead of the OpenSRF HTTP gateway is likely going to be a good idea for you.
11:16 ejk jeff: I tried to post to the /osrf-http-translator gateway but couldn't get a response.
11:17 ejk Tried the format here: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org​/doku.php?id=opensrf_over_http . At least with the websocket gateway I can see what the webclient is doing and copy that... :/
11:17 pinesol [opensrf|Bill Erickson] LP#1711145 NGINX sample config security improvements - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=3db305b>
11:17 pinesol [opensrf|Bill Erickson] LP#1711145 NGINX sample websocketd configs - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=1423787>
11:23 jeff ejk: true, that is one advantage...
11:26 ejk jeff: honestly, all I need is to be able to somehow call a pcrud.update and we'll be so much farther than we are now. But I'm still learning. Baby steps.
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11:45 pinesol [opensrf|Bill Erickson] LP#1684970 Translator compatible with mod_remoteip - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=51a4651>
11:54 abowling left #evergreen
11:57 gmcharlt bshum: Dyrcona: what version of Apache ships in Trusty and Xenial? packages.ubuntu.com weirdly doesn't seem to say
11:57 bshum Dyrcona: It's apache 2.4.  At this point we're done with Apache 2.2 with Wheezy removed
11:59 gmcharlt bshum: thanks
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12:26 eby rhamby: fyi that youtube live video link is set for 2pm pst start time.
12:26 eby jeff: long time coming but that permission change fixed the issue
12:26 rhamby eby: bah, it should be EST
12:26 eby google was friendly enough to change it to 5pm est for me
12:26 jeff eby: oh, great! glad to hear that it wasn't something more subtle and ncip-y.
12:27 rhamby fixed
12:27 eby jeff: thanks for the help. and you are eating the dcb notices and letting evg actions send instead?
12:36 berick dbwells: Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/11​29.data.acq-grid-settings.sql -- the file I just showed
12:36 dbwells berick: thanks
12:37 tlittle joined #evergreen
12:37 jeff eby: we are. one issue we've encountered with that is that NCIP doesn't tell us the difference between user-cancelled hold requests and staff/system-cancelled hold requests, so we're faced with either sending email notification every time an NCIP hold is cancelled, or determining a way to handle cancellation notices differently.
12:38 jeff rather, NCIP in this environment, at least.
12:40 jeff we're probably going to start consuming the emails from MeLCat and using them to relay an email to the patron, or take other action when we know that the patron doesn't have email.
12:41 jeff request cancellation is its own ball of annoyances, though... since you can get stuck in a situation where your request is routed to a library that is always going to cancel it.
12:51 eby as mine seem to usually be
12:57 gmcharlt berick: the patches for bug 1801759 may be of interest to you
12:57 pinesol Launchpad bug 1801759 in Evergreen 3.1 "include example mod_remoteip config" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1801759
12:58 berick gmcharlt: thanks, looking
13:00 khuckins joined #evergreen
13:04 kmlussier @dessert add buckets of Halloween candy
13:04 pinesol kmlussier: The operation succeeded.  Dessert #57 added.
13:12 pinesol [opensrf|Bill Erickson] LP#1706147 Perl Force-Recycle drone option - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p​=OpenSRF.git;a=commit;h=3043651>
13:28 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1801759: add mod_remoteip configuration to example Apache config - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=140cd9d>
13:28 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1801759: enable mod_remoteip by default - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=16dd1c3>
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14:04 sandbergja Hey all, the youtube link to the Angular presentation says "Video unavailable: this viddeo has been removed by the user"
14:05 sandbergja Is anybody else getting that problem?
14:05 khuckins_ joined #evergreen
14:05 mmorgan I just saw video unavailable, too
14:07 kmlussier rhamby^^
14:07 rjackson_isl same here
14:07 mmorgan From the Evergreen Library System channel, I'm not getting unavailable, getting "Waiting for Evergreen Library System"
14:07 rhamby kmlussier: working on that now
14:07 kmlussier rhamby++
14:07 sandbergja rhamby++
14:09 ningalls joined #evergreen
14:10 mmorgan I see the room!
14:10 sandbergja mmorgan: what URL are you at?
14:11 mmorgan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbdgUT5Omp8
14:11 rhamby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbdgUT5Omp8
14:11 rhamby updated URL ^^^
14:11 mmorgan jinx!
14:11 sandbergja rhamby++
14:11 sandbergja I even see the slides!
14:11 mmorgan rhamby++
14:12 rhamby can you hear bill?
14:12 sandbergja I can hear you, rhamby!
14:12 aabbee yes
14:12 * mmorgan has audio, too :)
14:14 rhamby Bill's Angular 6 notes: http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=wo​rking/random.git;a=commit;h=7998d1​b252e6a12aa67b9f44f77404bab0d70105
14:24 stephengwills left #evergreen
14:40 mmorgan rhamby: Lost video, still have audio, anyone else?
14:40 mmorgan NM, it's back.
14:40 rhamby was switching to live camera
14:41 rhamby seems to have a second or two lag when moving from the screenshare
14:41 jeff infinite galen.
14:41 rhamby its a feature
14:41 mmorgan Oooh!
14:41 dkyle2 joined #evergreen
14:45 rhamby any questions for bill or galen?
14:45 aabbee have you ever seen 'ERROR Error: "[object Object]" core.js:1673' in the console, even though typescript compiles without complaints?
14:45 Bmagic Just got the video up. start over
14:46 abowling joined #evergreen
14:46 aabbee i've seen this error come up when i screw up my modules, when i make mistakes on the routing, and a couple other errors. it's always something simple and dumb on my end, but the error message doesn't give me much to go on, so i'm curious if you have A) seen this before, or B) have any tips for debugging
14:46 rhamby aabbee: I assume that's a general question, not for bill and galen specifically, right?
14:46 aabbee yes, sorry.
14:47 aabbee well, it's an angular6 question. not much of an evergreen question.
14:47 rhamby aabbee: I think the first part is really specific but I'll pass on the question about debugging
14:48 sandbergja I just threw a question into the livestream, but I'll repeat it here: How much have y'all been using the ng generate command in the ang6 cli? More broadly, what is the best way to get started with a new module, component, etc.?
14:50 sandbergja Thanks!
14:50 abowling1 joined #evergreen
14:50 sandbergja I have another one: what about the e2e tests?
14:51 rhamby sandbergja: ah, we shut down, but they might see it here in channel
14:51 sandbergja berick++
14:51 Bmagic berick++
14:51 sandbergja gmcharlt++
14:51 sandbergja rhamby++
14:51 mmorgan berick++
14:51 mmorgan gmcharlt++
14:51 Bmagic gmcharlt++
14:51 Bmagic rhamby++
14:51 rhamby berick: gmcharlt: any objections to posting the archived video on the channel later?
14:52 gmcharlt no objection from me
14:52 berick rhamby: no objection
14:52 sandbergja gmcharlt: berick: I'm curious about the e2e folder in the ang6 code.  Is there a plan to write e2e tests for the ang6 app?
14:53 sandbergja or is it ng cli boilerplate? :-)
14:53 berick sandbergja: it's cli boilerplate :)
14:53 berick we do have unit tests
14:53 berick 'npm run test'
14:53 sandbergja oh cool!  where do the unit tests live?
14:54 berick sandbergja: along with the code, it's very handy.  e.g. eg2/src/app/core/idl.spec.ts
14:56 sandbergja Cool!  I will take a look
14:58 aabbee clarification on my question earlier: "ERROR Error: "[object Object]" core.js:1673" is a very specific error message, you're right. but i've seen that exact message (same line number and everything) for wildly different mistakes.
14:58 aabbee for example, once when my routes had typos and another time when i forgot to import a module in app.module.ts. in both cases, the compiler did not raise any warnings or errors, but the application crashed and didn't render anything (blank page) and put this message in the console.
14:58 Dyrcona bshum: collab/dyrcona/lp1730726-postgresql10-support
14:58 aabbee has anyone else run into "ERROR Error: "[object Object]" core.js:1673", and if so, how do you debug it?
14:59 JBoyer gmcharlt++
14:59 JBoyer berick++
15:04 gmcharlt FYI  after consulting with dbwells, I've now registered the 3.3 series in Launchpad and created a 3.3-beta1 milestone
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15:22 ejk jeff: you were right: the osrf-http-translator was easier to finally get working
15:24 jeff hooray! \o/
15:24 jeff ejk++ congrats
15:25 ejk Slight changes in headers and content between the proposal and production. Found the right format in http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/reorg/3.0/co​mmand_line_admin/_introducing_opensrf.html
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15:51 berick miker: http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Everg​reen.git;a=blob;f=Open-ILS/src/eg2/src/app/st​aff/cat/vandelay/queue.component.ts;h=a6f67c3​4d1eb061e69659deb16652c57e4b32cd3;hb=refs/hea​ds/user/berick/lp1779158-ang6-vandelay#l104
15:53 b_bonner_ joined #evergreen
16:10 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1798170 Load grid data after settings are applied - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=fb99a1f>
16:12 eby should webby (3.0) show payments in bills > history > payments tab for patrons? If I select a transaction in the transaction history and choose details it shows the payment there but payments history itself is blank. Just curious if need to dig more. I'm not finding much in launchpad with the keywords i'm trying.
16:16 ejk eby: csharp says "yes"
16:16 eby thanks ejk
16:18 ejk (too many /e.{2}/ nicks from aadl)
16:24 kmlussier If anyone is looking for easy branches to test at the hack-a-way (or for those following along from home), I'm really hoping all of my pullrequests can be reviewed before I leave. It looks like I only have two at the moment.
16:24 kmlussier bug 1755543
16:24 pinesol Launchpad bug 1755543 in Evergreen 3.1 "web client: Replace spine label settings descriptions with help tips" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1755543
16:25 kmlussier bug 1783602
16:25 pinesol Launchpad bug 1783602 in Evergreen "Copy counts should be removed from metarecord search results page" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1783602
16:25 * kmlussier will be going through her assigned bugs now to see if there are other quick and easy patches she can put out there.
16:25 remingtron kmlussier: I'll take that challenge
16:26 kmlussier remingtron++
16:26 remingtron I'll start looking at the first one, 1755543
16:43 remingtron kmlussier: how do you get to the "print spine labels" screen?
16:43 kmlussier If you pull up an item on the item status screen, there is a Print Labels options under Show in the actions menu.
16:44 kmlussier It's also available from copy buckets and holdings view, but I usually use item status in my testing.
16:44 remingtron kmlussier: thanks
16:46 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1789747 SharedWorker sanity checks - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=fe6bd46>
16:46 pinesol [evergreen|Bill Erickson] LP#1789747 More SharedWorker sanity checks for egLovefield - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=66f3d11>
16:47 pinesol [evergreen|Galen Charlton] LP#1789747: tweak disabling the offline circulation link - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=4ac0a69>
16:49 * kmlussier whittles her list of assigned bugs down to five.
16:49 berick import {map} from 'rxjs/operators/map';
16:49 berick miker: ^--
17:09 mmorgan1 left #evergreen
17:09 pinesol [evergreen|Garry Collum] LP#1755896: Web Client mobile menu font color contrast. - <http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=​Evergreen.git;a=commit;h=a17db63>
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